Saturday, May 23, 2009

Momentary Excitement

Today I sit, alone. Because, as my sickness (which is seemingly attempting to take over my life) begins to chill out a little bit I realize in order to get better I have to not do anything for the rest of the day. Which completely bums me out, because at the start of the week I have a whole mess of things to do and to occupy my time but as the week has progressed and untold circumstances have come up.. that idea has completely failed.

And all day I am going to be sitting here (I might try to mess around with some recording for the random songs I have written lately) but I believe today will be a more quiet day for me than anything.

I just got through reading Jon Foreman's blogs about Darfer ( and I am entirely at a loss for words. (If you want to know why, go read it)

So i'm quiet and open right now. I am hungry (because I have thrown everything up that was in my stomach) but I know as soon as I eat, there it comes right back up to visit me.

Well, I guess all to say is that I am excited about today and what is coming. I am excited about the thought of blogging again and I am really excited about what A.W. Tozer has to say about stuff. Or maybe I'm more excited about the last few chapters of Paul's shout out to his good friend Timothy, which is on my agenda for the upcoming hours. We'll see.

Once and for all eternity. Hallelujah.

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