Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Friends for the Wrong Kind of Change

So the other day I caught wind of Disney channel's new idea.

The commercial started out with a bunch of the Disney channel stars saying, "what is the most important thing?" And they proceeded to break out in a chorus of, "friendship, friendship, friendship."

But see here's the thing, the commercial wasn't about friendship at all. The commercial, Disney channel's grand idea was about being Eco-friendly. So I am guessing, friends with the earth? I'm not sure they didn't make that part very clear.

So I'm sitting here thinking, okay; friendship, earth, and Disney channel? What?

Then the "TV stars" begin to explain about how we as people need to save the Earth because we are killing it with global warming. We need to save the Earth because the more and more we don't act the more and more it is failing.

Don't get me wrong I am a HUGE fan of being globally friendly. I am a tree hugger. I dig the idea of turning your lights off and using the right light bulbs, and I am an avid recycler.

But as I am sitting here watching this the image of a little kid with aids, hunching over a moldy piece of bread in the rain with no shoes on comes to my mind. A scene of thousands of children lined up to have a change of a possible VERY small meal, who have walked countless miles to get it, creeps into my hindsight.

I am a fan of the Earth, but I am a bigger fan of people.

Disney channel is going to give over a million dollars to going green. ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a higher death rate from people not having clean water than from people being burnt to a crisp by UV rays?

All over this world people are dying everyday because of things like no clean water, not having shoes, malnutrition. THINGS THAT CAN BE TAKEN CARE OF. There are ways of saving lives everyday, but the citizens of this world need to wake up and catch the drift that the world is going to end one day, whether we like it or not.. and we should right now focus on helping people, something that will last, over helping the world, which will come to an end.

I believe there are two things that will last forever. People and the word of God. So why not invest in both?

I am almost angry at the idea of Disney Channel completely. I am really confused at why they haven't caught onto the lie that we can actually do something for this planet, and haven't seen that with a million dollars they could provide hundreds of thousands of children with shoes who all might die because of a disease they catch through a cut in their foot which they got BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T HAVE SHOES. Don't they realize they could save hundreds of thousands of life by giving that money to an organization that can supply clean water to various countries who are in DESPERATE NEED of just that.

I believe that people should be our first priority and we should wake up and try to help in any way we can. And there are ways to help.

If you haven't heard of TOMS shoes, it is an organization that was started in order to provide shoes for children all around the world who don't have shoes. All you have to do is go buy a pair of TOMS and they provide a second pair to a child who doesn't have any. It's a simple act, but it honestly could save a life. They distribute shoes to children all over the world, and not just in other countries but here in America as well (they did a shoe drop to hurricane survivors in New Orleans). Go and buy some now. It could make all the difference in the world for some kid you have never met but maybe one day will.

There are ways to help. We have to stop waiting for the world to change. Because the sad but profound truth is that it won't. The world will stay the same, and it will end. But we have opportunities to save people before it ends. Don't waste them.

Once and for all eternity. Hallelujah.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Momentary Excitement

Today I sit, alone. Because, as my sickness (which is seemingly attempting to take over my life) begins to chill out a little bit I realize in order to get better I have to not do anything for the rest of the day. Which completely bums me out, because at the start of the week I have a whole mess of things to do and to occupy my time but as the week has progressed and untold circumstances have come up.. that idea has completely failed.

And all day I am going to be sitting here (I might try to mess around with some recording for the random songs I have written lately) but I believe today will be a more quiet day for me than anything.

I just got through reading Jon Foreman's blogs about Darfer ( and I am entirely at a loss for words. (If you want to know why, go read it)

So i'm quiet and open right now. I am hungry (because I have thrown everything up that was in my stomach) but I know as soon as I eat, there it comes right back up to visit me.

Well, I guess all to say is that I am excited about today and what is coming. I am excited about the thought of blogging again and I am really excited about what A.W. Tozer has to say about stuff. Or maybe I'm more excited about the last few chapters of Paul's shout out to his good friend Timothy, which is on my agenda for the upcoming hours. We'll see.

Once and for all eternity. Hallelujah.